Fluorescein and Indocyanine Green (ICG) Angiography

Image of Fluorescein Angiography

Image of Fluorescein Angiography


Fluorescein and Indocyanine Green (ICG) Angiography

Fluorescein and ICG Angiography are used to image the posterior layers of the eye. Generally it allows the physician an better understanding of the disease process. This imaging procedure is conducted using a small amount of liquid dye that is injecting into a vein, similar to a blood draw with a butterfly needle. The procedure is generally safe but a small amount of patients may develop allergy. Please let you physician know if you have had an allergic reaction to IV Dye. Commonly used diagnoses that are elucidated with these imaging technologies are listed below.

  • Macular degeneration

  • Diabetic retinopathy

  • Retinal artery and Retinal Vein occlusion

  • Uveitis

  • Ocular tumors

  • Central Serous Retinopathy

With fluorescein angiography, a small amount of yellow dye is injected into your arm and circulates throughout the blood vessels in your body. A special came...
With fluorescein angiography, a small amount of yellow dye is injected into your arm and circulates throughout the blood vessels in your body. A special came...